Canadian Dream
Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program FAQs – Manila Info Session 2017

This Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program FAQs are for the benefit of those who aren’t able to attend the just concluded information session or for those who want to attend the NB session in the coming months. You may write your questions in the comments section for those not tackled here so I can update this post.
1. Is this the same with the previous session?
No, this is about the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) while the previous sessions where about the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP)
2. Will this be counted as the information session in order to submit an EOI for NBPNP?
No, this is only for AIPP. Please note that the NBNP Express Entry Labour Market stream is temporarily only accepting Expressions of Interest from individual with a connection to New Brunswick such as: job offer, working in NB, Post-secondary education in NB, have relatives in NB, and those immigrants have French as their first language.
3. How will the AIPP works for those overseas skilled worker?
First, possible employers need to register at the government of New Brunswick. They should be committed enough to support the applicant in settling in NB. Second, the government will supply the data of possible applicants with the NOCs employers are looking for. Third, employers will contact the possible applicants to ask for CVs. Fourth, they will be coming to the Philippines on April or May. Fifth, job offer will be given. Sixth, settlement needs of the applicant will be assessed thru the designated agency. Seventh, the application will be evaluated by the provincial government. Eight, endorsement will be given to the IRCC. Finally, Permanent Residency will be awarded to the applicant and to the family.
4. Is it okay to have simultaneous applications in different streams and/or provinces?
No, but please note that being in the pool doesn’t mean that you have already filed your application. For example, if you have submitted an EOI to Nova Scotia doesn’t mean you have an ongoing application. You’re only included in the pool.
5. What is the importance of registering and attending the information session?
The database of the government of New Brunswick of the possible applicants came from the data they’d gathered during the registration of the Information Session. They supposed to be have 2,400 applicants but since there were some who registered twice or even more so the database will have less than 2,400 applicants.
6. What if I supplied the wrong information when I registered online like the NOC, can I change it?
No, you have no any way to amend the database.
7. How long will they keep the records?
For a year.
8. Is it OK not to attend as long as I was able to register?
There will be an advantage if you have attended the information session. They prioritized those who attended.
9. Are the profiles of the registrants will be available to the other provinces participating in the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)?
No, it is only for NB.
10. Is this session different from the coming session on April?
Yes but related. Employers will be coming in. They will not asked for another registration. Only those invited by the employers can attend.
11. How could we know the job openings under AIPP?
They won’t post the job openings under this program. Only the employers will contact the possible applicants.
12. Are there employers who already signify to participate in the program?
As of February 16 there are four companies who signified.
13. How many immigrants could possibly come to NB under the AIPP?
650 hopefuls together with their family every year.
14. What are the in-demand and priority fields in NB?
IT, sales, engineers
15. Are there any available jobs for engineers?
Yes but they won’t be hiring from overseas since they have reputable engineering schools in the province. They have enough supply of engineers plus it is a regulated job in NB.
16. How long will be the turn-around-time before the visa will be issued under the AIPP stream?
Just like the express entry stream the TAT will be from 4-6 months
17. Should the settlement fund be deposited in the bank for at least 6 months?
Doesn’t need to be. As long as you will bring it with you in coming to NB. It is not advisable to sell properties as early as now.
18. When will be the launching of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)?
March 6, 2017
Our Application Timeline
NBPNP EOI | September 7, 2017 |
NBPNP ITA | October 13, 2017 |
Full Docs Sent | October 18, 2017 |
Docs Received | October 24, 2017 |
NBPNP AOR | October 27, 2017 |
Nomination | December 4, 2017 |
Upfront Medical | December 6, 2017 |
CIC ITA | December 6, 2017 |
CIC Full Application | December 11, 2017 |
CIC AOR | December 11, 2017 |
Medical Passed | January 5, 2018 |
IP2 | February 27, 2018 |
Passport Request | Soon |
Visa On Hand | Soon |
Landed in New Brunswick | Soon |